Certainly I have found as I have older, writing has certainly come easier –
whether this is something to do with age and experience or simply the fact
I am writing now as I may now be around for many years to come, I don’t know.
Either way, certainly over this year and last year too – I have found my
writing has flown an awful lot more easier and looser in style and territory.
Certainly over this year, with poetry for example I have wrote something
like about 50 to 60 poems already which is more than I have done over the full
of the past year ontop of the usual music and stuff.
However, as a summer break which I reckon now is going to be a change of
focus for the next few months I am now writing a series of short stories.
One of these is a series of short stories simply called ‘Doom’. All I will say
about this currently is it will be a series of loosely inter-connected short stories
which focus about a man called Mandrake and a group off people who are
his enemies called ‘Doom’. Currently there are plans for about 10 or 11
short stories here at least, all stand-alone but also can read together in
a sequence.
Second, there is going to be a few short stories about a werewolf who becomes
a porn star. These I think am going to much harder (I noticed the pun!)
to get published as they will be very blue but oh well!
Lastly, there has also being a few short short stories wrote which has
the working title off ‘No Where Near Famous’ which is about a un-successful
experimental band who like some of the stuff still plod along no matter what
ife throws at them! These will be sad but carry a good amount of pathos
and humor!
If anybody has any ideas where to send these, ping over your
You know where I am (http://www.geocities.com/aen1mpo)