Saturday, December 20, 2008

Couple of Christmas Poems from a few years back


And leaves which have
Fell off the
Trees like peeled logs.

The image still sinks
In your mind,

Like childhood games
Lost in
Dunes of snow.

The image still sticks
In your mind

Like a view of
Trees asleep
In darkest winter.


Christmas Poem (2005)

On Christmas day
You held a snowball in your hand
Before dropping it
Down onto the ground
When I ask you
What you are doing?

I can see
The smile in your eyes
As the wind
Brushes your hair
In your face
As you look
Down at the ground
And whisper amazing.

‘What’s amazing?’
I ask puzzled
‘You are’
and reply
and kiss me
and then hit me
on the back of my neck
with a snowball.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

2 x New Poems

Dear all;

Here are two new poems 'Nothing to Hide (IV)' and 'Nothing to Hide (V)


Andy n


Tell me again
What you mean.

Tell me again
Stood at deserted
Train stations
With snow sweeping in
From nearby hills
All over our hands
And our feet.

And when the snow
Turns to slush
Making us feel
Like we are children
On the run from Narnia
Tell me again.

And then let me go


Look at the moon
which in the mis
throws down
a spotlight
on our frozen shoulders
and tell me again
you love me.

Look at the petals
in the fountain
which are sinking
further and further
into the water
and look at me
nervously shaking.

Tell me again
and stop walking
away into the distance.