Thursday, November 27, 2008

Poets and Pasties opening night

Some of you may know I recently helped co-run as a trial

Basis, a poetry open mike night called ‘Poets and Pasties’

As a test to see if the demand was there to start one in the

New year on a more regular basis.

The idea came about from discussions with Gary and

Amanda, my collegues from ‘Trio Writers’ simply because

It could be fun to try and do one as we had all being to

Those on a semi regular basis over the past year or so.

Despite some reservations on my side, owning to the

Distance of the venue, which I thought may cause people

Some problems tracking down, we agreed to go ahead

With and even set up a date for it to start on 26th November


I set up a few pages on myspace and facebook advertising

It and Gary did some P.R. on his side and we set up what

We could.

And off the top of my head, we attracted 25 people including

The bar staff.

Now I know there was a few people who were disappointed

By the turn out, but I must admit it was pretty what I expected

Firstly for a first night and secondly I knew from similar

Events being held in the local area what they had being

Attracting, we pretty got what I expected.

As for the night itself – me and Gary were pretty busy

Organizing and sorting things out and even at more than

One point re-scheduling orders, crossing people and when

Some people turned up we weren’t expecting to turn up,

Re-adding them back on.

And then the food… Home made pasties! Now that I

Believe was when the real fun started as I know Gary

Had some major problems with it, and Amanda I believe

Ended up taking over in the kitchen when they arrived.

Respect to her, she pulled them brilliantly as I have had

Loads off good feedback since then.

The event itself? Well – on the whole, it worked

Quite well! We will need to get more people in

For the future certainly, I felt for us to survive

But considering it was a trial run, we pulled it

Off fairly well.

I managed to persuade a few pals along

And even used a multi media section off the gig

Where my pal, Matt Dalby did his standard

Experimental poetry set, which I then followed

By doing one myself, and at the start of the

Second half, my friend from County Cork,

Kylyra which I know surprised some people.

I’m not going to name all of the acts there as

Love and respect to everybody for attending

As I loved you all.

Three lovely girls from MMU recorded the

Full gig and I am hoping to get a recording off

It in due course off them, but I did also take

A audio recording off it, which I aim to share

In the next few days online.

Cheers to all who attended of course (You

Know who you are!)


Antonionioni said...

Verily, twas a good night! The venue is a good one, just in an awkward place!! Perhaps you could tow it nearer to the station!!

PS: I've maybe found a good venue but not for Pn P because it's nowhere near Bolton. Will let you know.

Matt Dalby said...

Hi Andy

I'm about to blog my response later on today, and I'll also email you some feedback. One of the things that's come up in my writing about the night is something you covered - that for a launch night away from the centre of Bolton the attendance was actually pretty good - especially given the size of the venue.

The atmosphere was also really good. If that can be preserved in future events Poets and Pasties deserves to be a popular event.

Unconnected to this, next year in about March I'm intending to run a night (possibly first in a series) in support of my 'mutapoem' project. Consider this advance warning that I'll be approaching you to see if you're interested in taking part.