On the readings front, I have kept it quite quiet
with one reading at Unsung Magazine in July which
was fun to do, and then besides that a couple of low
key gigs with ‘Words & Music’ in the Sale and
Altrincham area where both of us learned a lot
from playing there.
September however it is now back to normal
or as normal can be with me sometimes.
First off all, I am back at Freed Up Poets in
Manchester after a few months off this week.
(10th September 2009) Looking forward to it.
I am also down next week for reading out a
few poems at Manchester Museum next
Thursday (17th September 2009).
Night after possibly, I am going to be
reading at Poetry Pillow which is another
night from Freed Up’s people (18th September 2009).
on the 20th September, Words and Music
spring back into action with a gig in
Oldham (Greater Manchester) at the
Gardner’s Arms.
No idea yet for the week after, but
I reckon I’ll be doing something or
I do know on Sunday 3rd October I am co
hosting again on the internet radio
station ‘Lit Media Reviews’ which should be
a hoot.
Next major thing for me after that will be
at Bolton Rugby Club where I will be involved
in the 5th night off Poets and.. After the
madness of the 4th night – I am really hopeful
for this night – I really am hopeful as have got a
number off new names to me expressing
a interest in it.
The rest of the year isn’t etched out in stone
yet, but there are a few other magazine launches
which I may be involved in, so we’ll see…
Certainly – I have the Words and Music
album on the way now. Me and Jeff have a
track listing off 16 or so tracks (with new ones
On the way also possibly for follow up’s).
I have also had the proofs back for the final
DIH album ‘Meterophosis’ which feels sad
listening to it now, but it is time to move on as I like
to say as this’ll be our third full length album
and there is also about 7 EP’s dangling around also.
Seeing Andy, my voice in M.A.N. next week – will
discuss our long delayed 3rd album ‘From a Boy’,
and then discuss a meet up in November to begin work
possibly on a 4th album.
All go as norm – lol