Monday, August 04, 2008

Another Nine Inch Nails Remix

you believe I went and did it
again! (To quote Britney Spears)

In this case, I went and did a second
remix from Nine Inch Nails's 'Ghosts'

Well, this one actually got done
yesterday but it has took me tonight
to get it uploaded for you to listen to..

The one first isn't doing bad
with a average rating off 79 out off 100
so far, which I am delighted with.

Later in the week, there may be a third
remix as I do have a idea for another
but I'll surprise you when that happens.

Otherwise, I have just booked myself
a trip to Ireland which nows sets a deadline
for proper Distance recordings which
should be fun, and work on my novel
'The End' is progressing slowly but

(Photograph from

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